Lab news

March 24 2025

Camila Gutierrez - MU Honors College Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher 2025

Undergraduate student Camila Gutierrez was awarded the MU Honors College Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher 2025 Award, in recognition of her valuable research in the LAMP Lab. She will be recognized during the annual Honors College Spring Awards Ceremony at the Missouri State Historical Society on April 15, 2025. Congratulations, Camila!

March 05 2025

Join Us at RSA-ISBRA 2025, Lab Presentations & Symposium Highlights

Looking forward to 48th Annual Research Society on Alcohol (RSA) Scientific Meeting/ISBRA Congress, June 21-25, 2025 in New Orleans, LA, USA. Lab members Devon Terry & Camila Gutierrez will each be presenting a poster and sharing initial findings from the Sips and Shapes study (the OG!). RSA is a prestigious national scientific organization dedicated to advancing research on alcohol use and alcohol-related problems. We are proud of and thrilled for our mentees, Devon Terry and Camila Gutierrez, as being selected to present at RSA is a significant achievement, and a great opportunity to network, learn from others, and be part of important discussions shaping the future of alcohol research!

Exploration of Behavioral and Neural Responses to Visual Cues Experimentally Paired with Intra-Oral Alcohol Receipt in the Human Laboratory.
Devon Terry, Sandie Keerstock, Roberto Cofresi.

Reduced Sleep Hours and Increased Alcohol Cravings in Young Adults.
Maria Camila Gutierrez, Sandie Keerstock, Roberto Cofresi.

The Sips and Shapes study will also be discussed in a Symposia chaired by Dr. Roberto Cofresi “Alcohol’s Incentive Salience: Cue Reactivity & Associative Memory Studies Across Species”. The Symposia will bring together scientists and scholars working on affective and motivational features of alcohol memories, spanning human and non-human animal models, in order to foster crosstalk on the neural mechanisms of alcohol’s incentive salience.

We’re excited to contribute to this important conversation and look forward to engaging discussions at RSA/ISBRA 2025! Stay tuned for more updates.

February 15 2025

A busy start to 2025! Recent publications.

Cofresí, R.U., Piasecki, T.M. & Bartholow, B.D. (in press). Inhibitory control in the sober state as a function of alcohol sensitivity: A pilot functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience-Brain Health and Clinical Neuroscience, 19. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2025.1557661

Cofresí, R.U., Piasecki, T.M. & Bartholow, B.D. (2025). Alcohol insensitivity and the incentive salience of alcohol: Two decades of work relevant to future directions of the addictions neuroclinical assessment. Translational Psychiatry, 15, 50.

January 30 2025

Hiring Research Specialist I (full-time, benefit-eligible position)

Are you graduating in May or August and looking for a paid research position after graduation?

We are seeking a motivated, organized, and driven research coordinator to conduct a series of federally-funded EEG and fMRI studies examining the role of conditioned cue reactivity and incentive salience in eating, drinking, and drug use with a focus on alcohol use.

Apply here - External candidates

Apply here - Internal candidates

September 30 2024

Welcome, Devon Terry!

We are thrilled to welcome Devon Terry, B.A., as the newest member of our lab!

Devon is the Research Coordinator for Sips and Shapes (R00AA029169 PI: Cofresí).

She holds dual B.A. degrees in Psychology and Anthropology from the University of Missouri, graduating Magna Cum Laude.

In her previous role as a Research Coordinator at the Health Neuroscience Center at the University of Missouri’s Department of Psychiatry, she coordinated NIH-funded studies on smoking cessation, investigating the neural mechanisms mediating addiction. In this role, she oversaw clinical trials, managed a research team, and supervised the collection of complex data including MRI, behavioral tasks, and biological specimens.

Previously, Devon worked as a Research Assistant in the Social Cognitive and Addiction Neuroscience Lab, where she collected EEG data, and administered clinical interviews for another NIH/NIAAA-funded study. As a McNair Scholar, she completed a thesis on depression and alcohol-drinking coping motives, integrating clinical interview data with ecological momentary assessment techniques.

Her unique training history and experience means Sips and Shapes is in good hands! We look forward to incorporating her insights into the upcoming Sips and Shapes studies and watching her grow as an active member of our lab and the broader addiction training group in the department.

August 21 2024

Dr. Roberto Cofresí receives R00 award from NIH-NIAAA

After successful completion of the K99 phase of his NIH/NIAAA K99/R00 award, Dr. Cofresí received the R00 phase of the award to continue research on the translational human laboratory Pavlovian conditioning model of individual differences in risk for alcohol cue incentive salience sensitization and longitudinal assessment of problematic alcohol use.Project #4R00AA029169-03 The R00 phase will take place at the University of Missouri, and involve 4 research studies in the family of the Sips and Shapes Study. Be on the lookout for recruitment of research participants in the coming months! This exciting news also means that the research team in our lab will grow as we onboard a research coordinator for the R00 studies.

July 16 2024

Hiring a Research Specialist I (full-time, benefit-eligible position)

Job Description

Join the research community in the Department of Psychological Sciences at the University of Missouri in Columbia, MO, a vibrant group conducting cutting edge science in the field alcohol and addiction.

The Cofresi lab is a new lab interested in understanding the role of learning and memory about rewards like foods, drinks, and drugs in human behavior. Our mission is to translate and verify basic and intervention-related findings from preclinical addiction neuroscience laboratories into the human laboratory and bridge the gap to clinical applications and testing.

Our current focus is on the role of conditioned cue reactivity and incentive salience in eating, drinking, and drug use with a focus on alcohol use. We use psychophysiological methods, especially EEG and fMRI, to study and localize the neurocognitive correlates of reward learning and memory as well as reward anticipation and consumption, including the post-ingestive consequences of drugs like alcohol. We are seeking a motivated, organized, and driven research coordinator with an interest in these areas of research to assist in launching a series of EEG and fMRI studies in the lab. You will work directly with Dr. Sandie Keerstock, Dr. Roberto Cofresi-Bonilla, and a small cohort of undergraduate research assistants.

May 01 2024

Welcome Dr. Keerstock!

Dr. Sandie Keerstock has over eight years of research experience, including a PhD in experimental psycho-linguistics, and three years of focused work collecting human EEG for alcohol use-related studies as research coordinator for Dr. Bruce Bartholow’s Social Cognitive and Addiction Neuroscience Lab. She also has experience managing post-award funding for MU Arts & Science. She is joining the LAMP Lab as full time research scientist and co-director. Her role will be to manage and implement a growing number of scientific projects as well as supervise staff in the lab. She will also update the lab website from now on!

April 30 2024

Dr. Roberto Cofresí to be Assistant Professor & other lab updates

Assistant Professor

Dr. Cofresí was recruited as part of the MizzouForward Faculty Initiative as Assistant Professor starting Fall 2024.
His Tenure-Track appointment is in the Department of Psychological Sciences, where he did his postdoctoral training. He will be affiliated with the Cognition & Neuroscience (C&N) area, and is interested in collaborating and/or co-mentoring those affiliated with other training areas, including the Clinical Psychology area.

As a former NIH/NIAAA T32 trainee himself, Dr. Cofresí will be involved with the Alcohol and Addiction Institutional Training Program at MU which includes predoctoral and postdoctoral training opportunities (NIH/NIAAA T32) as well as summer research experiences for undergraduates via the MU-ARTSS program (NIH/NIAAA R25). Dr. Cofresí is also affiliated with the Missouri Center for Addiction Research & Engagement (MO-CARE), a multi-disciplinary collaboration among addiction investigators across the University of Missouri System seeking to better understand and prevent addictive behaviors.

Lab expansion

  • The lab is growing! Two full-time staff will join the research team to help run the lab and coordinate studies.
  • We are anticipating the award of the R00 phase of the NIH/NIAAA K99-R00 award in Fall 2024.
  • We will be occupying new spaces in the Melvin H. Marx Building on MU Campus. Come visit us while we renovate, furnish and equip the spaces, and stayed tuned for a Grand Opening Tour of the new lab!
  • The lab name as well as lab website URL will change, from cofresilab to MU Learning And Memory Psychophysiology (LAMP) Lab to reflect the expanding team.

Stay tuned for other exciting news!

April 09 2024

2024 Mizzou Show Me Research Week

Undergraduate researchers Camila Gutierrez and Katelyn Matzdorf presented their independent projects in poster form at the 2024 Mizzou Show Me Research Week. Poster judges agreed that Camila and Katelyn did a fantastic job.

February 09 2024

Research Talk @ San Diego State University

Thanks to an invitation from Dr. Ksenija Marinkovic and the Rising Star Lecture Series, Dr. Roberto Cofresí visited San Diego State University to connect with faculty, staff, and students interested in human laboratory-based addiction-related neuroscience. He gave a talk titled “Incentive salience & alcohol sensitivity.”

September 27 2023

SPR 2023 Meeting in New Orleans



August 04 2023

APA 2023 Convention in Washington DC

Roberto Cofresí - Top-Down Inhibitory Control Over Bottom-Up Behavioral Approach Impulses Triggered by Alcohol

This talk was presented at the APA Division 06 - Society for Behavioral Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology. I was honored to co-organize the symposium, Top-Down and Bottom-Up Impacts of Alcohol on the Developing Brain, with Kate Nooner from the University of North Carolina Wilmington.

Other presentations in this symposium included:

Kati Healey, PhD, Duke University - Brain Changes in Neurons and Astrocytes in Rodent Models of Adolescent Hazardous Alcohol Use

Kate Nooner, PhD, UNC Wilmington - Disruptions in Adolescent Brain Function on Trajectories of Young Adult Hazardous Alcohol Use

Ksenija Marinkovic, PhD, San Diego State University - Evidence for Acute Alcohol-Induced Impairments in Inhibitory Control

June 27 2023

Research Society on Alcohol

Roberto attended the 46th Annual RSA Scientific Meeting held in Bellevue, Washington in late June 2023. He attended very thought-provoking symposia on the neural bases of chronic alcohol use-related cognitive-behavioral inflexibility, novel approaches to understanding alcohol withdrawal, novel approaches to studying functional brain connectivity, and new theoretical perspectives on recovery from alcohol use disorder. As always, it was a pleasure meeting new researchers, and reuniting with colleagues from other universities, including friends and mentors at the University of Texas (Drs. Hongjoo Lee, Regina Mangieri, and Rueben Gonzales) and Indiana University (Drs. David Kareken and Ann Kosobud).

May 14 2023

Spring 2023 Graduation

Congratulations to lab members who graduated this semester!

(1) Darius Stewart was accepted into the MU Masters in Public Health in the Fall. He will continue collecting data for the lab!

(2) Ian Flowers was accepted into the graduate program in Applied Psychology at Maastricht University, Netherlands.

(3) Liam Peck will be working as Research Specialist I at MU Psychological Sciences coordinating a NIH R01 Study.

(4) Alana Hatanaka will be working as Hospital Administrator in Columbia, MO.

Thank you all for the opportunity to mentor you and looking forward to seeing where your post-graduation journey will take you!

April 21 2023

Undergraduate Research Week


Undergraduate lab members presented their independent research projects at the 2023 edition of the Undergraduate Research Week. All projects were mentored and/or co-directed by Dr. Cofresi.

(1) Hannah Drzewiecki & Jasmine Chen, “Alcohol craving in a laboratory setting among emerging adults”

(2) Sophia Slinkard & Darius Stewart, “New Cues Paired with Sugar Gain Affective Significance”

(3) Ian Flowers, “The influence of social network drinking behavior and a family history of problematic drinking on alcohol involvement in underage, emerging-adult drinkers”

(4) Liam Peck, “Brain responses conditioned to a novel visual stimulus paired with sugar water”

Ian and Liam also presented their research at the Midwest Psychological Association in Chicago, IL.

Liz Conley was also presenting research with her lab in the College of Engineering: “An automated calculation to determine polymer persistence length from AFM images”

September 28 2022

Society For Psychophysiological Research

The lab attended the 2022 annual meeting of the Society For Psychophysiological Research (SPR), which took place Sept 28-Oct 2 in Vancouver, BC, Canada

(1) Cofresi, Morales, Piasecki & Bartholow, Time Frequency Power and Phase Synchrony Signatures of Alcohol Cue Reactivity Among Emerging Adult Alcohol Users

(2) Brancaleone, Cofresi, Ito, Bartholow, Conflict, Motivation and the Adjustment of Race-biased Responding

(3) Dr. Cofresi gave a talk at the “From Bench To Bedside: Advancements In Quantifying And Modulating Neural Circuit Disfunction In Substance Use Disorders” symposium. The title of his talk was Alcohol beverage cues serve as “rewards” in humans: preliminary studies of individual differences.

It was also a special treat to attend the Presidential Address given by Dr. Bruce Bartholow, Roberto’s former postdoc adviser and forever mentor.

February 17 2022

Vox Magazine article discussing substance use disorder and its depiction in HBO's 'Euphoria'


The article features experts on the science of addiction, MU Professor Dr. Kenneth Sher and Dr. Roberto Cofresi, who weigh in on how HBO’s ‘Euphoria’ depicts addiction.

Dr. Cofresi explains that understanding addiction and withdrawal comes from acknowledging how it is grounded in biology and our bodies. He hopes that media portrayals of addiction will get people talking and inspire those suffering from substance use disorders to get help.

“I’ve seen treatment of a variety of kinds, psychological realm, group therapy and individual therapy, help people improve their lives and functioning so they can experience whatever beautiful tragic thing is the human experience,” Cofresí says.

Click here for the full Vox Magazine article

The article was also featured in the Missouri Center for Addiction Research and Engagement (click to read the article in MO-CARE)

June 27 2021



Kristin Black wrote a piece about Roberto Cofresí for the Missouri Center for Addiction Research and Engagement (MO-CARE). The article talks about Roberto’s experience with MO-CARE, and how the integrated approach of MO-CARE was an opportunity for him to combine his expertise in pre-clinical models, basic science research and human psychology to pursue interdisciplinary answers to the puzzle of addiction.

Click here to read the full article